Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Seriously, unhealthy? Try my Yuchoy!! (Week 14)

I am lucky enough to get the "Maddy Report" every day which sends me summaries of news clips, etc.  I always scan them for possible re-posts for work (related to health and human services).  This morning I stumbled upon something AWFUL.  California’s Health: County by County Rankings  !!

Oh my OUCH!  Like Dr. John Capitman told me (and also supported by his research...."Place matters").  Fresno ranks 42 out of 56 and counties like Madera, Kern and Tulare are all lower.  Sad really considering we are in the bread basket of California.  Add to this the weather here is such that you can pretty much be outside most days of the year being physically active.  The factors contributing to this nasty ranking are obesity, smoking, physical inactivity and excessive drinking (plus automobile fatalities, just to keep the numbers interesting).  Come on readers!!  Seriously?  We need to start a healthy trend:  The San Joaquin Diet!  Fresh, local and in season with a decent amount of exercise.  Stay tuned, follow my blog, check in at Taste's change this number for the better (and please buckle up!)

Sooooooo... It's just my opinion but I think anyone can be healthy in this Valley.  We have it ALL!!  This would include today's pick from my Farm Market bag - Yuchoy!
Yuchoy soup and parsnip

  • 1 large onion
  • 1 medium potato, peeled
  •  3 parsnips, peeled
  • 30 yuchoy stalks (with leaves and flowers)
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 c. white balsamic vinegar
  • Salt and pepper
  • 8 cups vegetable broth (light in color....brown makes it look nasty)
  • Sour cream and green onions for garnish

Cut the stems of yuchoy (each comprising several branches) in coarse pieces.  Separate the leaves and flowers.  Stems take longer to cook J Then cut the onion, potatoes and parsnips into pieces. In a large saucepan or casserole, sweat the onion in olive oil. When translucent, deglaze with the balsamic vinegar. Add yuchoy stalks (without leaves and flowers), potatoes and parsnips. Salt and pepper. Stir in broth and simmer for thirty minutes, until vegetables are tender. Add finally the leaves and flowers of yuchoy and cook for one minute only. Using a hand blender (my favorite) mix to make a smooth soup that looks like a green lawn….very pretty for Easter. Garnish with a dollop of sour cream and a sprig of green onion or chives.

Next fabulous Easter Bread made with farm fresh local eggs and Farm Market oranges!!!!

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